Wide River
Wide River Viognier 750 ml
Wide River Viognier 750 ml
A rich medley of fresh apricot, peach and lemon flavours that follow through on the supple, slightly oily palate. Barrel fermentation in new small French oak barriques has provided nuances of cinnamon and cracked cashew nuts.
South Africa is producing some great examples of Viognier, and this is no exception. An intense nose of apricots and citrus is followed by orange peel flavours against a rich, silky background.
Robertson is nestled in a valley of abundance, from the sun-drenched mountain vineyards growing select varietals, to plentiful river valley vineyards heavy with fruit. But more than the land and the climate, its the people who always left the greatest impression. We are pleased to be able to say that we have been importing wines from these producers for many years and the superb consistency of quality and value continues to impress.
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South Africa
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