Chapel Down
Chapel Down English Rosé 750ml
Chapel Down English Rosé 750ml
Chapel Down is Englands leading wine producer with an award-winning range of sparkling and still wines. Based in Kent, in the heart of the Garden of England, they produce wines of the highest quality and which we believe offer the best expression of England.
These wines are produced from grapes grown in the South East of England. From some of the finest vineyards in England, primarily situated on the North Downs of Kent with a terroir very similar to that of Champagne. Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Bacchus vines are grown on south facing chalk soils and benefit from a warm, maritime climate. Chapel Down source high quality fruit from long-term partner vineyards across Kent, Sussex and Essex, resulting in balanced wines with unique flavour profiles.
Tasting Note
A delicate rosé which epitomises English summer with its abundance of strawberries and cream. This Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier dominated blend features an abundance of strawberry, raspberry and citrus aromas coupled with crisp acidity and a long refreshing finish.
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