Alto Rouge 750 ml
Alto Rouge 750 ml
2024 marks an extraordinary milestone as we celebrate the release of our 100th consecutive vintage of Alto Rouge. This iconic vintage is a blend of 44% Cabernet Sauvignon, 42% Shiraz, 12% Cabernet franc and 2% Petit Verdot. The nose shows beautiful aromas of succulent plum, crushed blackberry and dry fig.
Colour: Deep garnet colour, dense and alluring with a cerise, crimson rim.
Bouquet: Dense autumn fruit and fynbos edge, with hint of charcuterie.
Taste: Notes of succulent plum, crushed blackberry and dry fig are at the fore, while the complexity of classic grape cultivars allow for intricate flavours of pine-needle and graphite to join the fruit in an interwoven whole. Tannins are plush and beguiling, yet muscular and firm, ensuring life-affirming freshness in structure, as well as the proven ageabiity of Alto Rouge from a fine vintage.
Food pairing: Perfect on its own or with roast chicken, pork belly and grilled beef. This wine also pairs well with matured cheese such as Cheddar and Edam and is a lovely accompaniment to creamy pasta dishes like wild mushroom risotto or alfredo.
The 4 grape varieties used to make up this blend ripen at different times and were harvested at 24° to 26° Balling. Each varietal was vinified separately and fermented on the skins for over seven days at 25° to 27°C in closed stainless-steel tanks. The fermenting mash was pumped over several times a day. After malolactic fermentation the component wines were aged for 18 months in a combination of first-, second- and third-fill barriques, of 90% French and 10% American oak, before the desired blend was made.
WINEMAKER: Bertho v. d. Westhuizen
APPELLATION: Stellenbosch
GRAPE VARIETALS: 44% Cabernet Sauvignon, 42% Shiraz, 12% Cabernet franc, 2% Petit Verdot.
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Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Shiraz and Petit Verdot
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South Africa
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